Top Updates of 2024: Nicknames, Quests, Spin the Wheel, and Poke

Top Updates of 2024: Nicknames, Quests, Spin the Wheel, and Poke
Donata Tamulionyte
Donata Tamulionyte

Last updated - June 11, 2024

Mhm, you’re stoked for some new updates. And we can’t blame you β€” we are, too! Since the beginning of the Pawn-y era, we’ve been pushing for more, striving for the better, and you’ve witnessed it all. Not only that, but you’ve fueled the evolution of our passive income app and inspired us to pack it with excellent features!

Today, we’ll go over all of what you can’t miss in 2024. From updates that boost your user experience to ones that elevate your passive income game, this year, you have some thrilling additions under your belt. These are not just any updates; they are game-changers that will revolutionize your financial life. So, let’s dive in and explore the excitement!

Psst: we’ve also made a video on the best 2024 features in case you want to oil up your ears with some exciting info. πŸ™‚

1. Nicknames

Let us first give you the best and start with the newest of them allβ€”our fresh-out-of-the-oven feature, Nicknames! If you can think of a stellar name that can tell a bit about yourself in the world of finances, you’re all set for the wonders that come with this update. It allows you to set a cool nickname for a personalized experience with the app. nicknames

So, the next time you poke someone, it’ll be a branded move. πŸ™‚ Your unique nickname will appear front and center, making the interaction more personal. After all, prompting someone to do more or keep up with the good work gets a different tone when, for example, _NoKiddingGrizly does it!

To create your nickname, do the following:

  1. Open your account and go to Settings.
  2. Tap on Account settings and find the Nickname section in Account details.
  3. Tap the Edit button and type in the nickname that best reflects you.
  4. Hit the Save button and start leaving your footprint across the vast world!

2. Quests Tab

The updates wouldn’t have had the impact they do without Quests. This nifty feature lets you stay on top of your Pawns experience, helping you claim your unclaimed, keep track of the available surveys, and more. It’s a tab that integrates most of the tasks you can choose from, with an additional section for points and prizes you can earn the more active you are.

The tasks we tapped into can be as simple as verifying your current email address, but there’s a nice plot twist: the more of these you complete, the more challenging quests you’ll unlock! And with greater effort come greater awards. You start stacking up points, which you can exchange for exciting rewards later. There’s tons to choose from, from earning boosts and Lucky Draw tickets to cold cash! quests

If you haven’t had a chance to check this feature out, now you do. πŸ™‚ Trying it out is really simple β€” check the Quests tab and dedicate yourself to whatever tasks are available! The more you do, the more you get, so make this section of the app your go-to tab. More points mean more daily, weekly, and monthly quests, and these mean more unique rewards!

3. Spin the Wheel

It’s now time to brag a little and admit that our Quest tab was super successful. If there were to be a Pawns Academy Award, Quests would’ve won the Pawnscar for Best Feature. πŸ™‚ And what better update to follow up on its remarkable reception than Spin the Wheel! This one was also a success: everyone is hooked and spinning the lucky wheel of fortune, trusting their luck for excellent winnings. spin the wheel

Each day, you get a spin FOR FREE β€” what an excellent way to boost your income! You want to try it out, don’t you? πŸ™‚ Well, feel free to seize your free luck! Have the wheel rolling every 24 hours, and sprinkle your achievements with lovely extras! You could boost your earnings, snatch a Lucky Draw ticket, or treat yourself to cash!

So, get ready to get dizzy as great prizes spin around. You might be luckier than you think, or it might be that the Gods of Luck are sticking their tongues out at you. πŸ™‚ Still, how can you know if you don’t give this feature a chance? So, spin it!

4. Poke Feature

Do you like our referral program? You know, it’s that little something that lets you spill the beans about Pawns to everyone and invite them to join it. And, of course, it pays off because they get to earn, and then you get to earn because they get to earn. It’s easy to get the point. πŸ™‚ But now, with our fantastic Poke, you can also motivate your invitees to be even more active, which also boosts your income.

This is one of the most fun updates we’ve launched so far. It lets you share how you feel about your buddies’ performance with short messages and funny GIFs. Are some of them missing out on opportunities? Poke them for some prickly inspiration! Are others super hooked to the app, making money for both you and them? Poke some more! poke

If they earn, you do too. So, feel free to make their day as you’re stacking up your referral bonuses. Poke them, and see how a bit of humor can increase your earnings!

Use These Features to Your Advantage!

Now that you’ve refreshed your memory about all the fancy updates and learned about the upcoming excitement, it’s time to get down to business. So, fiddle with the Quests tab and spin the wheel daily for a puffier wallet. Or invite one more friend to join you in your earning adventure and get a $3 bonus and 10% of all their earnings!
And, of course, poke ’em all and flash your brand new nickname across the platform so they know who the stinging sting is! Also, don’t forget the app veterans β€” the surveys and internet sharing β€” because old is gold. Finally, stay tuned for what’s to come, and trust us, you’ll see much more from us in 2024! Until next time. πŸ™‚

Donata Tamulionyte
Donata Tamulionyte

Community Manager,

Donata is the heart and soul behind the community. As a communication wizard, she brings an exceptional blend of specificity, gentleness, and patience to her role. Donata has a remarkable ability to "read" people just from a few sentences, making her the perfect conversational partner for our users worldwide. When she's not building community connections, you'll find her singing, crafting melodies, and writing. Donata also loves animals and enjoys spending time analyzing their behavior and engaging in training.

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Get extra $5 for completing 10 exclusive surveys! πŸ’Έ

  • Promotion period from 11.06.2024 to 25.06.2024
  • The bonus will be paid at the end of the promotion