Folks dream about free-falling from tall buildings or other structures of impressive heights. But the tribe — nah! We snooze over the buzz of flying up and crushing the skies of achievement! And our latest feature, Leaderboard, lets you poke through the clouds of exactly those skies, with excellent prizes in return! 🪜
You know we’ve been pro-fun earning in the past, and we still are. So, this time, we want you to see the fruits of your efforts ripen big and strive for more! Leaderboard is our freshest way of celebrating your financial success and rewarding you for that. But how is that possible?
What Is the Leaderboard?
If you quickly hop to the Community tab in the app, you’ll see our latest and greatest addition, the L-board. If you tap on this new feature, a ton of emails and Pawn-y, jaundice-yellow, drawn faces will flash themselves in front of you. 😃 What you’ll eye is our users’ weekly scores—basically how everybody ranks in terms of completing the different tasks we offer.
At the top, you’ll see the most active member of all. The second one is the weekly runner-up, then follows the third, and so on. Being super active means that you’ve been super committed to completing surveys, sharing internet, taking quests, playing games, and spending your points. And that, in return, means that you have a higher chance to be ranked higher.

So, long story short, it’s all a list of users ranked first-to-last by their activity and achievements. But what’s the magic behind it? 🪄
How Does It Work?
As we said, you get a score based on your performance; the more tasks you complete, the better your chances of soaring higher. And there is plenty to grant yourself a pass to financial heaven with.
Mastering surveys is one way to reach the stars, for example. You can lay around doing no more than scratching your butt, answering questions for good money! ❓
Then, the option to share your internet for cash is there as well. If you’ve enabled the sharing in the app, and better yet, if you have it active in the background, it will be drizzling bucks and Leaderboard points! 🛜
The Quests tab is also perfect for surpassing competition and climbing up the ladder. Tap on it, see what’s available to do, and do it! 🚢
Of course, playing games is a perfect way to secure a spot higher up in the earning hierarchy. Get yourself puzzled or be a gold digger judgment-free for fun, money, and better rankings! 🎮
Finally, spend the Pawns points you make to earn points that define your weekly performance status! This cycle is one you don’t want to break! 💯
So, that’s how you glide up the ladder. All you do in the app now gets converted to a score on the ladder. The more you do, the more you get.
What’s In It For You?
Of course, we’d like you to get more than you get to get. Therefore, working your way toward this hill comes with many fantastic surprises! 🎁
The top 3 users on the list get a Top User badge next to their partially displayed emails. But that’s not all. Amazing prizes are also in store for these three amazing individuals. You might want to sit down for this one:
- 1st place: $150
- 2nd place: $100
- 3rd place: $50
If that doesn’t motivate you to grab your phone and start nailing those tasks, we don’t know what will! 💅 The closer you are to the ladder’s upper end, the more there is for you and your pocket! And the more you earn, the better feedback you send us.
Community Reviews
As you know, we love hearing from you and tailoring the app as you command, oh avid earners! So, we’ll go slightly off-topic to remind you that is a legitimate, safe way to make a bit extra for those extra little pleasures. Here’s what our community is saying:

Aww, thanks so much! ♥️ We are thrilled that you think Games and Surveys go together like birds of a feather. Lately, we’ve been getting so many positive comments about Games, and we’re so glad you’re liking it. And we assure you that Leaderboard will rock some similar feathers, too!

Well, someone is having that cash flow! ♒ Thank you so much for this wonderful comment. We’re thrilled to know that you like variety. We also like mixing things up and making them more interesting, and we promise to always bring more to the table. Keep earning with us, you champion! 💪
Speaking of champions and back to the Leaderboard, don’t forget that the feature gives you a chance to be a weekly hero. So, unlike the Olympic L-board, which is already set in stone, with, you have a chance to do better, even if you’ve been ding-donging your way down that ladder for a few days. The new week is always a new chance. 👏
Don’t Forget About Poke!
As you slide up and down those rungs, remember your invitees in need — they might need some bristly poking! Are some of them getting a bit lazy? Do you fret because they’re wasting their earning potential? Well, give them the ouchies that don’t hurt by tapping on Poke!
It’s really simple, and we must say those goat memes really work. Tap on the Community tab and then tap on Invitees. Spot the little purple kite, which is super pointy (as it should be), by the way, and click on it. You can either poke the most stubborn couch potatoes on your list or send the kite of transformation to them all. So, try it, and earn more the more you can inspire them to earn! 💰

Refer to Your Friends and Everybody Else
Okay, we get it if you’re just staring with and your Invitees window stares into blankness. But if you have no referrals, you must get down to inviting some folks over to the app! Remember, novelty, in this case, is a very nice idea, so grow your family to grow your average income!
How can you invite more people to join you on your money-making journey? Well, you’ll need to tap on the Community tab to explore all the ways you can share about the existence of the app. You can do that with referral links, QR codes, unique referral videos, and much more!
Think about it this way — if you didn’t know about, would you have been grateful if someone told you about it and all the earning opportunities it offers? If the answer is yes, quit scratching your butt for a second and refer it to your friends, strangers, or crushes! ❤️🔥
Climb Fast, Be the Best, and Strive to Impress!
You really don’t have to do anything new to earn more cash. As long as you’re slightly more committed to the everyday task, you should see yourself claiming up the Leaderboard. There aren’t new materials to conquer, no learning curves — only a strong will to get on the better end of earnings.
So, feel free to do something nice with your free time and use it to earn more money. You might have plans for the near future that need some financial boosting, or you might simply need a few more bucks for college pens and paper. And this is your chance to make it all work!