Winter is approaching, and with the chilling cold, it would be nice to curl up on the couch with a blanket and stay warm. But unfortunately, your heating bill is likely costing you more than what you can afford. Plus, working at home is now a mainstream thing. People are spending way more time in their houses. With this, energy bills are sure to shoot through the roof.
But what if there were things you could do to save, not only on your heating bills in winter but also for cooling during summer? What if you found a perfect balance between comfort and not having to spend tons on your energy bills? It would be nice, wouldn’t it? Fortunately, there is an ideal way to save.
Before we get into that, let’s discuss another way to lessen your worry about energy bills. Yeah, you read that right. You don’t need to fear digging into your wallet again to pay that dreaded statement. Head on to and find out how things as simple as sharing your internet and answering simple questions could earn you some money.
How to Save On Your Energy Bill in Summer and Winter
To start, you must know the heating system in your house and what type of energy it uses. And from that, you need to find the best way to save on your heating and cooling bills. Depending on where you live, of course, this could vary.
If you have an old heating system, consider getting a new one. If the current one still works well and comes fitted with the latest technology, then you’re in a good place. But if not, it’s time to get a new furnace or heat pump for your home. Newer furnaces come with all sorts of gadgets to help optimize energy use in your home. They also have another perk; they are usually quieter than older solutions.
Top Tips to Save Money on Heating Bills
Before you rush out to buy a new furnace or heat pump, consider these tips on reducing your heating bills. You could save a lot of money if you take a few of these measures:
- Seal up Air Leaks
Let’s face it; air leaks will happen in any house. But if you can stop them from happening, it will make a big difference in your heating bills. This doesn’t mean you need to go and tear down your entire house and start from scratch.
You just need to get good-quality duct tape and close up the air leaks in your heating system. Get rid of vents, head gaskets, and ducts that are not working well or are damaged. Also, try getting new ducts for the system so it can be as efficient as possible.
Most of the hot air in a home leaks through the doors and windows. You could reduce this occurrence by installing weatherstripping around the frames of your doors and windows.
- Get a Good Thermostat
Did you know that there are thermostats that control the temperature by themselves? Get one that matches the type of heating system in your home.
It is not just about saving on heating bills but also about preserving energy. This kind of thermostat will turn off your heating when it is below a specific temperature and turn it back on when the temperature gets too low. Remember, your heating system and thermostat work hand in hand, so ensure both work well together.
- Give Your System a Good Cleaning
Cleaning doesn’t just apply to your floors and countertops. Your heating system, too, requires regular cleaning sessions. They are an excellent way to get rid of dust and grime.
You should also clean the vent lines with a vac. Ensure they are working correctly before putting them back in place. Cleaning your vent lines will ensure that your heating will be more efficient. As a result, you will enjoy cheaper energy bills.
- Change the Filters
Filters are great for keeping the air clean and your heating system working efficiently. Change them when they become dirty or clogged to allow for good airflow.
- Insulate Your Pipes and Blanket Your Boiler
This is a straightforward thing you can do to save on your energy bills this winter. If you have exposed pipes, you should wrap them with insulation. This move will help them stay warm, thus keeping the room at a higher temperature because your heat pump will work better.
You can also do the same thing to your boiler. If exposed on the outside, it is likely to lose heat. Cover it with insulation or even wrap it with a blanket so that it keeps most of the heat inside.
- Unplug Energy Consumers
There are a lot of electronic devices, lights, and appliances that you should unplug when not in use. This is true for your oven, water heater, computer, monitor, and anything else that takes up a lot of power.
Some devices, such as chargers, televisions, and gaming consoles, will continue to draw power even if you’re not using them. Therefore, they are leaving a hole in your energy bill. Look at your monthly statement and see if any devices are sucking electricity when not in use. This way you can save on your electric bill.
- Cook Smart
You might not think cooking can cause a dent in your heating bill, but that’s where you’re mistaken. Try preparing meals in the oven instead of on an electric stove or skillet. The former will heat up the room besides whatever you’re cooking.
What is the cheapest way to save energy?
Timing when you use your heating system is one of the best and cheapest ways to save on energy costs. You don’t need to heat the spare bedroom, hallway or even the living room when you’re spending most of the time in your home office. Use heating wisely.
What runs up your heating bill the most?
Insufficient insulation will do that. Proper insulation will keep the heat in, keeping your home’s temperature just right while using less energy.