How to Move to Japan With No Money

How to Move to Japan With No Money
Donata Tamulionyte
Donata Tamulionyte

Last updated - February 7, 2024

One app - many ways to earn


Moving to Japan can be an exciting and life-changing experience. This unique country offers a rich cultural experience, technological advancements, and a high standard of living. 

Japan is renowned for its cultural heritage, and there are countless opportunities to immerse oneself in traditional Japanese customs. From tea ceremonies to Kabuki theater and the annual cherry blossom viewing parties, there are plenty of opportunities to learn about and appreciate Japan’s rich cultural traditions.

Moving to Japan can provide access to cutting-edge technology and innovations. The country is home to some of the world’s most advanced robotics and artificial intelligence research, and there are plenty of opportunities to work with these technologies.

The standard of living in Japan is high, with low crime rates, excellent healthcare, and a reliable public transportation system. Japanese cuisine is also famous for its health benefits, and Japan has one of the highest life expectancies in the world.

Do you need another reason to move to Japan? Its natural beauty is a huge draw for many people. From snow-capped mountains to pristine beaches, there are plenty of opportunities to explore Japan’s natural wonders. Japan is also home to several UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as the ancient city of Kyoto and Mount Fuji.

How to Get a Visa

Now that you know all the great things about Japan, you’re probably itching to move over. Before you do that, you’ll need proper travel documents. Getting a visa to move to Japan will depend on the purpose and the duration of your stay. Japan has different types of visas, including work visas, study visas, spouse visas, tourist visas, and more.

Here are the general steps you can follow to get a visa to move to Japan: 

  • Determine the type of visa you need: Visit the website of the Embassy or Consulate General of Japan in your country to find out the type of visa you need for your intended purpose of stay.
  • Gather the required documents: Once you have identified the type of visa you need, gather all the required documents, including a valid passport, a visa application form, a recent photograph, proof of financial stability, and any other documents necessary for the specific type of visa.
  • Submit your application: Submit your visa application to the Embassy or Consulate General of Japan in your country. You may also need to pay an application fee.
  • Attend an interview (if necessary): Depending on the type of visa you are applying for, you may have to attend an interview at the Embassy or Consulate General of Japan in your country.
  • Wait for your visa: Once your visa application’s processing is complete, the relevant party will inform you of the outcome. If your application is successful, you will get a visa to enter Japan. 

Note that the process for obtaining a visa can vary depending on your country of residence and the type of visa you are applying for. It is important to check the specific requirements and procedures for your situation.

Main Steps: How to Move to Japan With No Money

Moving to Japan without money is a difficult task, as you will need some financial resources to cover your living expenses until you can find a job or other sources of income. However, if you are determined to make the move, here are some steps you can take: 

  • Plan your budget: Calculate your living expenses in Japan, including accommodation, food, transportation, and other necessities, and make a realistic budget. Be sure to include some extra money for unexpected expenses.
  • Start saving: Save as much money as possible before you leave. Cut down on unnecessary expenses and find ways to save money, such as by cooking at home instead of eating out and using public transportation instead of taxis. You should also look into earning passive income from, which pays for survey completion and internet sharing.
  • Look for a job before the move: Try to secure a job in Japan before you leave your home country. Check out job postings online and reach out to companies that hire foreigners. Some companies in Japan offer visa sponsorship and relocation assistance to foreign workers, especially in the educational and IT fields.
  • Consider a working holiday visa: If you are between the ages of 18 and 30 (or 18 to 25 for some countries), you may be eligible for a working holiday visa in Japan. You’ll stay in Japan for up to one year and work part-time to support yourself while you explore the country.
  • Research low-cost accommodation options: Look for shared apartments, guesthouses, or hostels. You can also consider couch-surfing or house-sitting for a short period.
  • Learn the language: Learning some basic Japanese can help you communicate with locals and increase your chances of landing a job or other opportunities.
  • Reach out to local organizations: Several organizations in Japan assist foreigners who are struggling financially, such as food banks, homeless shelters, and charities. Reach out if you are in a difficult situation. 

Overall, moving to Japan without money requires careful planning and preparation. Make sure you have a solid plan in place before you go, and be prepared to work hard to achieve your goals. With determination and perseverance, it is possible to make a new life in Japan.


Do you need money to move to Japan?

Yes, you will need some financial resources to move to Japan. The cost of living in Japan can be pretty high. You will need enough money to cover your initial expenses, such as visa fees, transportation costs, accommodation, food, and other essentials. That said, employ some creativity, and you might be able to move without much in your pocket.

What is the easiest way to move to Japan?

Moving to Japan is easy if you have landed a job there. Alternatively, you can attend a Japanese university or go on a working holiday.

Can I just go live in Japan?

No, you can’t. To live in Japan for an extended period, you must obtain a visa. There are several types of visas available depending on your purpose of stay, such as employment, study, and family-related visas.

Donata Tamulionyte
Donata Tamulionyte

Community Manager,

Donata is the heart and soul behind the community. As a communication wizard, she brings an exceptional blend of specificity, gentleness, and patience to her role. Donata has a remarkable ability to "read" people just from a few sentences, making her the perfect conversational partner for our users worldwide. When she's not building community connections, you'll find her singing, crafting melodies, and writing. Donata also loves animals and enjoys spending time analyzing their behavior and engaging in training.

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