Being a stay-at-home parent is a pleasant and gratifying role, but it does not preclude you from seeking additional money. Numerous side hustles in today’s digital age enable stay-at-home moms and dads to make money while caring for their families. The possibilities are limitless, and all kinds of options are available to meet your interests and schedule, whether you want to contribute monetarily or tap into your entrepreneurial spirit.

Here, we will present 25+ side hustles that should work excellently for stay-at-home parents in 2023. These effective ventures are flexible, allowing you to balance family obligations while making a consistent income. What’s more, there’s something for everyone, from online enterprises to creative hobbies.

Parenting and Profit: Side Hustles for Stay-At-Home Parents

Parenting and profit is the concept of generating cash while managing the duties of being a parent. It acknowledges the reality that being a stay-at-home parent or having a flexible work schedule can allow you to seek more sources of income. Let’s dive into some pointers and issues to consider before undertaking these potential money-making opportunities: 

  • Determine Your Skills and Interests 

Begin by examining your abilities, interests, and capabilities. Identify what you want to do and which areas you have skills in. Doing this will assist you in locating side hustles that match your skills and interests. 

  • Make Money From Your Hobbies 

Discover activities or interests you enjoy and find ways to make money from them. If you adore baking, for example, you could establish a home bakery or sell your pastries at local markets. You can sell handcrafted products online if you are proficient in crafts. 

  • Time Management 

Parenting necessitates a considerable investment of one’s time and energy. Think about how much time you can dedicate to a side hustle without jeopardizing your capacity to care for your children. Create firm boundaries and devise a schedule that accommodates both parenting and work. 

  • Make Use of Online Platforms 

Utilize internet platforms and marketplaces to help you reach a larger demographic. Websites such as Etsy, Upwork, Fiverr, and TaskRabbit allow you to exhibit your talents and connect with possible clients. 

  • Connections and Networking 

To find possible prospects, go out to your network of friends, family, and fellow parents. You can locate clients, customers, or colleagues for your side hustle through networking. 

  • Ability to Adapt 

Look for side hustles that allow you to work from home. This approach will allow you to modify your working hours to fit your children’s demands. Freelancing, remote work, and firms with flexible hours are all choices. 

  • Begin Small 

It’s frequently a good idea to start small and slowly grow your side hustle. This strategy lets you delve into the waters, gather experience, and fine-tune your approach without becoming overburdened or sacrificing important parenting time. 

  • Stay Organized    

Effective organization is essential for juggling parenting and a side career. Use tools such as calendars, to-do lists, and productivity apps to efficiently manage your time and remain on top of projects. 

  • Assign and Seek Assistance 

Don’t be afraid to seek help from your partner, family, or friends. Let people know your goals and obligations. You can also tell them to help you with parenting chores, giving you more free time to devote to your side job.

Parenting for profit recognizes that parents have abilities, interests, and aspirations outside their caregiving duties. It motivates parents to look into ways to commercialize their skills, hobbies, or passions. Such an approach can assist parents in achieving financial independence, helping out with household finances, and even achieving satisfaction outside of their parental responsibilities.

While parenting and profit can provide benefits like extra cash and personal pleasure, parents must strike a balance that emphasizes their children’s well-being. Parents ought to ensure that their side jobs or job responsibilities do not jeopardize the quality of care they give to their children or that they do not cause unnecessary pressure or time constraints.

Let’s dive into some of the proven side hustles for parents in 2023, shall we?

25+ Proven Side Hustles for Moms and Dads in 2023  

Side hustles can be a terrific option for parents to make extra money while juggling family commitments. Here are 25 tried-and-true side hustles for parents in 2023:

1) Sign Up on

In this day and age, chances are that you have access to high-speed internet. It could be a data plan, a WiFi subscription, or even your own fiber connection. If you are like most regular internet users, you most certainly don’t consume all the bandwidth available to you. Did you know you can make money selling unused internet? That’s where comes in.

In addition to earning by sharing your internet, you can access paid surveys via the website’s smartphone app. Additionally, you get $1 as a sign-on bonus and a referral link you can share with loved ones and strangers online. Once someone joins via your link, you are entitled to 10% of their earnings indefinitely. Certainly, this is passive income at its very best!

2) Taking Care of Pets

Caring for pets as a side hustle can be a rewarding and pleasant way to supplement your income. Here are some specific suggestions for providing pet care services:  

  • Dog walking entails offering your services as a dog walker and providing regular exercise and companionship for dogs in your area.
  • You can do pet sitting by caring for pets in your home or visiting clients’ homes to offer feeding, playtime, and companionship while the owners are away.
  • Finally, overnight pet care involves staying at the client’s home to ensure pets are well cared for. 

3) Handmade Crafts

Handmade crafts can be an excellent side income for stay-at-home parents. It enables you to express your imagination and create one-of-a-kind goods that people will appreciate. You can craft handmade jewelry using various materials, like necklaces, bracelets, earrings, or rings. You can use beads, wire, or polymer clay for these projects. Manufacturing knitted or crocheted goods such as scarves, hats, or baby booties using knitting or crocheting techniques can also help you tend to a specific niche in the crafts market. 

4) Become an Airbnb Host

For stay-at-home parents, turning into an Airbnb host can be an excellent side hustle. It provides schedule flexibility and makes use of additional space in your home to produce income. The main advantage of this side hustle is that it gives you a lot of flexibility since you can organize your hosting schedule as a stay-at-home parent to meet your family’s demands and routines. You can also monetize any vacant area in your house, whether a spare bedroom, basement, or the whole property, by listing it on Airbnb.

5) Online Tutoring

Ever since the internet took over the world, online learning has become a new normal. This innovative approach to teaching means there’s significant demand for tutors in this space for stay-at-home parents. Fortunately, you don’t need much to start. Armed with your qualifications in whichever field and the willingness to work, you’re good to go. You can expect to make around $17 per hour for a start, and of course, the pay gets better if you have a wealth of experience.

6) Work as a Virtual Assistant

The job description of a virtual assistant (VA) is similar to that of a personal assistant, the only difference being that a VA works remotely. In addition to scheduling meetings, replying to emails, and setting up appointments, a VA can also work in customer service, financial management, and administrative support. And to be honest, the responsibilities of a VA go over and beyond those mentioned here. You can be a VA working as a social media manager or one who proofreads blog posts and creates landing pages.

7) Become a Social Media Manager

Although we’ve just mentioned this under the VA entry, working as a social media manager could also be a standalone job. You can work for individuals, businesses large and small, as well as influencers and entrepreneurs who wish to maintain an active social media presence. The job will require you to post on various platforms, respond to comments, run online campaigns, and interact with potential clients.

How much you make will depend on the complexity of the job, in addition to your experience. And instead of a blanket fee, you can also opt to charge per post. Whatever you go with, you’ll find parties interested in working with you.

8) Work as a Consultant

Similar to online tutoring, working as a consultant demands a certain level of expertise. You can’t be a consultant while you’re green in your field now, can you? As a consultant, your clients trust you to have all the answers, and you must offer credible advice. Remote consultancy may be hard to crack, depending on your field. Thankfully, your many years of experience will have you prepared for your eventual success.

9) Become a Fitness Instructor  

Of late, everyone seems to be interested in healthy living, no? In addition to eating healthy, people also want to introduce regular exercise into their lives. Therefore, following the fitness instructor route is taking steps toward guaranteed success. You can create programs and complementary videos for sale or host live fitness sessions and have your clients work out with you. What’s more, you can take advantage of social media to boost your audience, gain a following, and become a household name. Within no time, you’ll be selling like hot cake and smiling all the way to the bank.

10) Advertise on Your Car

If you don’t mind driving in a branded car, your automobile could be your perfect income source. Advertisers consider vehicles moving billboards, and how much they pay for it depends on the size of your car and the geographical location you traverse. Of course, the bigger the car, the more real estate the advertisement will have, and therefore, more money in your pocket. Why not make money driving around town and running errands? If anything, let your car become self-sustaining by paying for its own gas.

11) Sell Photos Online  

Are you good with a camera? If your answer was affirmative, we’ve got news for you. These days, you don’t even need an expensive camera for near-perfect photos. Your smartphone camera is just as capable, so finding visual media companies to work with remains a plausible option. And did you know that you can sell one photo multiple times? That’s right, companies you partner with will pay you each time one of their clients downloads your photo. Could passive income get any better?

12) Start a YouTube Channel

If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past decade, you must know that millions are making a killing on YouTube. And since you’ve got the time, why not throw your hat in the ring too? Different types of content appeal to different kinds of audiences, so all you need is to find a niche that works for you. It’ll take some time for you to gain a following and reach the minimum watch hours to monetize your channel, but once you get there, YouTube will become a near-perpetual source of income. 

13) Make Use of Social Media

Chances are you’re already on social media, and just as we’ve discussed with YouTube, you can exploit your following on other platforms to make good money. If you don’t already have that big of an audience, work toward it. Once you reach your target, you can approach businesses with a work plan on why bringing you on board would benefit them. Pitch your ideas to multiple organizations, and before you know it, you will have landed yourself a well-paying partnership. Even better, you can use your web pages to sell your own products, killing two birds with one stone. 

14) Rent Out Your Car

If you are a stay-at-home parent, chances are your car remains parked on the driveway for most of the day. Why not sign up on a rental marketplace and have your car earn a pretty penny? Here’s how these marketplaces work. Once you sign up and receive approval, you’ll receive requests from potential renters.

You hold all the cards at this point, and it is up to you to decide whether the individual is an eligible client. If they are, you set up a meeting, hand over the keys, and that’s it. The client will return the keys once they finish using your vehicle, and you’ll receive payment from the specific marketplace the client used.

15) Get Into Podcasting

Podcasts are increasingly gaining popularity, and if you’ve got the time, why not jump on the bandwagon as well? All you need is a comfortable space and a mic to begin, but it’s easier said than done. Before that mic check, decide on what topics you want to cover, the audience you intend to attract, and the overall goal of your podcast. 

As with social media, your podcast becomes a money-maker once you attract a loyal following. Sponsorships and product promotion deals will come calling once you make a name for yourself, regardless of whichever field you’re in. When you get there, though, stick to the general rule of only two advertisements per episode to avoid being a bore to your listeners.

16) Design Apps  

Are you an IT guru with the necessary skill set to create an app? If yes, then you have a lot of untapped earning potential. Gaming apps are particularly “hot” at the moment, so why not have a slice of this cake as well? Yes, the process may be lengthy, but what if you develop an app that will be a game-changer? You can sell it to a reputable gaming company, receive your fat check, and be on your way to that vacation your partner has been looking forward to. 

17) Get Into the Vending Business

Think about it, how many vending machines did you spot on your last trip into town? We’re willing to bet that they were quite a number. As is evident, vending machines have created a name for themselves as a reliable source of passive income. You’ll have to nail your machine’s location to fully exploit this business idea. Be sure to place it strategically where there’s lots of human traffic, and to make it popular with customers, make all forms of payment available. 

One other thing, be conscious of the fact that you’ll be selling food products. As such, restock your vending machine regularly to avoid selling expired products. Maintain and clean it regularly too.

18) Become a Surrogate

If you’re open to it, you can make good money being a surrogate mom. Of course, money is not the motivation for most people who provide surrogate services. But the whole process is a calling, hence the handsome compensation.

19) Get Into Meal Planning

Are you constantly wondering what you’ll have for dinner? You are not alone. Millions across the country struggle with the same question every day, and there lies your market gap. With some time on your hands, you can come up with weekly meal plans for you and for sale. And if you’re wondering where you’ll get your clients from, that’s what social media is for. 

20) Bake for Profit

See those cookies you make that your kids love so much? There’s an entire market out there for them. If they are as good as your family tells you they are, the target market will love them, and just like that, you have yourself a baking business. 

21) Work as a Ghostwriter

Did you know you can be creative and remain in the shadows? If you’re a good writer, venture into ghostwriting and help out authors suffering from writer’s block. You may not get the recognition, but your bank account won’t be complaining about that.

22) Become a Dance Instructor

Get those dancing shoes and hit the floor, will you? Working as a dance instructor could be an overly fulfilling career path. Your clients will pay you per session, and you will all get to have fun while at it.

23) Design Merchandise

Do you know how established content creators are always selling merch? If you’re an artistic genius, you can approach a few of them and offer to design their merch at an affordable fee. 

24) Sign Up to Provide Ride-Hailing Services  

Ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft have become an obvious choice for the general public. To make money from them, sign up as a driver. Once approved, you’ll be able to turn on your app whenever you want and drive your clients to their destinations.

25) Sell Design Templates

Even with DIY tools available online, individuals who don’t have a creative eye find it difficult to make desirable designs by themselves. If you’re a designer, you can use these free tools to create templates for sale. 

26) Invest in Dividend Stocks

As a dividend shareholder, you get to enjoy the profits of the company whose stock you own. Choose a reputable company with a known payout history to make this investment foolproof.

Transforming Parental Duties Into a Revenue Stream  

The idea of turning parenting responsibilities into a source of income is intriguing. Still, you must approach it with prudence and mindfulness if you wish to preserve your well-being and that of your kids. Here are a few possibilities for earning money while completing parental responsibilities: 

  • Offer Childcare Services 

If you’re lucky enough to have plenty of room and resources, you can provide daycare in your house. This possibility could involve babysitting, operating a home daycare, or offering after-school care to other kids from your neighborhood. 

  • Product Reviews and Recommendations   

As a parent, you likely use a variety of goods on your children. You can capitalize on your experiences by reviewing and recommending these products on a blog or social media channels. Businesses may compensate you for advertising their items. 

  • Blogging or Vlogging 

Many parents use blogging or vlogging to capture their journey as parents and offer helpful advice and insights. It’s possible to monetize your blog or YouTube channel by creating a loyal following through adverts, sponsored posts, affiliate programs, and even product sales. 

  • Start a Parenting Podcast 

Begin a parenting podcast and invite professionals, fellow parents, or experts to discuss pertinent subjects. Once your podcast has enough following, you may monetize it by offering sponsorships, adverts, or even providing premium material for subscribers. 

  • Writing Parenting Books or Guides 

Consider authoring and publishing parenting books or manuals if you have a gift for writing. Share your thoughts, tips, and parenting ideas. You can make money by selling books, giving speeches, or licensing your content for other formats like audiobooks or e-learning courses. 

  • Parenting Coaching or Consulting 

If you are a specialist in parenting and like assisting others in navigating the hurdles of raising children, you can provide coaching or consulting services. You could do this via individual sessions, group workshops, or online classes. You can charge for your time and expertise. 

  • Make and Sell Parenting-Related Items 

Consider making parenting-related products such as baby clothes, toys, or instructional materials if you have a talent for creating or designing products. You can sell these items online via sites like Etsy or a personal website.

While earning money through parenting-related activities is feasible, prioritizing your children’s well-being and requirements is critical. Ensure that your efforts to monetize your parental responsibilities do not jeopardize their welfare or upset your family dynamics.

Making Every Moment Count: Time Management for Parent Side Hustlers  

As a parent with a side hustle, time management is crucial to efficiently balance your responsibilities. Balancing parenting responsibilities, employment, and a side hustle can be difficult, but you can make every moment matter with meticulous preparation and organization. Listed below are a few time management strategies targeted exclusively for parent side hustlers: 

  • Establish Specific Objectives 

Outline your goals for your side hustle as well as your parental responsibilities. Creating a clear vision can help you focus and organize your time more effectively. 

  • Make a Schedule 

Create a timetable that includes your regular employment, parenting responsibilities, and side hustle operations. Plan your entire day, week, and month ahead of time to guarantee you have time for everything in your life. 

  • Prioritize Tasks 

Determine and prioritize the most crucial tasks you must complete for your side hustle. Use approaches such as the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize jobs according to their urgency and significance. 

  • Outsource and Delegate 

Look for ways to delegate or outsource specific duties. Offloading obligations, whether by employing a nanny, seeking assistance from family members, or outsourcing key components of your side job, can free up significant time. 

  • Utilize Time Blocks 

Set aside time for your side hustle, particularly while your children are busy or asleep. Devote uninterrupted time to your business with no distractions. 

  • Accept Flexibility 

Recognize that unforeseen circumstances may disrupt your timetable. Adjust your plans as needed, but make sure to reschedule missed jobs to prevent neglecting your side hustle. 

  • Increase Productivity 

Improve your productivity by making the most of the time you have. Reduce distractions by turning off your phone’s notifications, employing productivity applications or tools, and creating a favorable work atmosphere. 

  • Combine Tasks 

Look for ways to multitask or merge tasks. For example, you can answer emails or make phone calls relevant to your side business over lunch or while waiting to pick up your kids from school. 

  • Look After Yourself 

It’s critical to emphasize self-care if you are a parent side hustler. Make time for relaxation, exercise, and spend quality time with the people you love. Taking good care of yourself will assist you in remaining energized and focused. 

  • Know How to Say No 

Don’t be scared to turn down some commitments or possibilities that may overburden you. To combat burnout, creating boundaries and safeguarding your time is critical. 

  • Simplify and Automate 

Determine whether you can automate or streamline tasks to save time. Use tools and technology that can assist you in automating monotonous chores, managing social media, or facilitating your side hustle activities. 

  • Seek Help and Networking 

Join communities or interact with other parent side hustlers to share stories, learn from others, and get support. Learning from others’ time management tactics and advice can help you better your own.

Remember that achieving the appropriate balance between parental duties and side hustle may take some trial and error. Stay organized, be patient, and constantly analyze and adapt your strategy as needed. With good time management, you can make the most of every opportunity and succeed as a parent side hustler.

Wrapping It Up…

In conclusion, the world of side hustles provides limitless opportunities for mothers and fathers to earn money while juggling family duties. The digital ecosystem continues to offer chances for remote work and entrepreneurship in 2023, making it easier than ever for you to start a side hustle from the convenience of your home.

Whether you decide to become a virtual assistant, begin a freelance writing job, or dabble in social media management or tutoring online, the goal is to choose a side hustle that matches your talents, interests, and available time. With commitment, sacrifice, and a little imagination, you can effectively begin on a side hustle path that improves your financial status and enables you to pursue your interests.

Remember that creating a side hustle takes time and work, so be patient with yourself and enjoy your accomplishments along the way. Maintain an open mind and adapt to shifting trends and technologies. As you gain skills and build a name, your side hustle may turn into a full-time job or a profitable business.

Finally, by looking into the various side hustles covered in this article and beyond, you can find a way to contribute to your family’s financial well-being while enjoying the benefits of being a stay-at-home parent. Accept the changes that arise, embrace the opportunities, and confidently go on your side hustle path. The world is yours to conquer, and 2023 provides boundless possibilities for your achievement.

How Do Stay-At-Home Parents Balance Parenting and a Side Hustle?

Finding the balance between parenting and your side hustle can be challenging. It is, however, very much possible. Encountering a side hustle that does not take up much of your time is the best way to find this equilibrium.

What Kinds of Side Hustles Are Suitable for Stay-At-Home Parents?

Stay-at-home parents have a wide range of side hustles to choose from. is a suitable venture, as is exploiting social media following, baking for profit, consultancy, and online tutoring, to mention but a few.

Are There Any Success Stories of Stay-At-Home Parents With Side Hustles?

Yes. There are several success stories of stay-at-home parents who have developed lucrative side businesses while juggling parental responsibilities. Here are a couple of such examples: 

  • Pat Flynn (Smart Passive Income) 

Pat Flynn is a well-known businessperson and owner of an online business who began his career as a stay-at-home dad. He launched his side hustle by launching a blog called Smart Passive Income and a podcast where he shared his lessons learned and experiences in growing internet enterprises. He now has several successful web businesses and is an example to many aspiring entrepreneurs. 

  • Holly Reisem Hanna (Woman at Home) 

Holly Reisem Hanna is a work-from-home parent who has converted her enthusiasm for assisting other women in finding flexible work into a profitable internet business. She started The Work at Home Woman, a blog offering information, advice, and job leads to women who want to work from home. Her site has established itself as a reliable resource in the work-from-home world, allowing her to earn money via advertising, sponsored posts, and affiliate programs.

Donata Tamulionyte
Donata Tamulionyte

Community Manager,

Donata is the heart and soul behind the community. As a communication wizard, she brings an exceptional blend of specificity, gentleness, and patience to her role. Donata has a remarkable ability to "read" people just from a few sentences, making her the perfect conversational partner for our users worldwide. When she's not building community connections, you'll find her singing, crafting melodies, and writing. Donata also loves animals and enjoys spending time analyzing their behavior and engaging in training.

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