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March 19-26

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You knew your Christmas plans way before the 25th. And you know what ceiling the champagne bottle cork will launch into when the clock strikes midnight on the first day of 2025. But what about the in-between? It keeps you awake at night, this long-lasting unknown of six days.

But where there is a will, there’s a way. And there’s no way we’d let you fret about not completing your chapter of 2025 in style. It’s time to squeeze in all you couldn’t do earlier this year but promised to into a quick, week-long schedule and learn about a few extra things to do after Christmas to keep yourself in the festive loop.

1. Try Something New Solo

Ever seen an emu? Run a fork through a tres leches slice? Shook your head and did an arm wave near a real-life volcano for a KALEO single? Tick to the tack — it’s “do it” o’clock! The few days after Xmas are perfect to experience something for the first time!

The main challenge here is to give novelty a chance, SOLO. Why not crown the end of the year with fun personal growth through moments that belong only to you? The cherry on top of the cake is that you’ll have your comfy shoulder to nap on while riding a bus back home.

2. Or Gather Your Friends for Some Banter-Infused Activities 

Peeps you hold dear can triple your end-of-the-year excitement, and you can triple theirs before you quadruple it. And then they quintuple yours, and so swirls this blissful, everlasting cycle, keeping you in the loop of eternal happiness. Or, simply put, friends are joy multiplied.

Dial a few numbers, and gather everyone for a late-night potluck party! Or, if you’re too full for munchies, listen to your gut and invite them over for a board game marathon. Or suggest that you all chill, turning the pages of unforgettable classics for hours of high-end commentary. Bond, re-bond, and then bond some more in a homey atmosphere.

3. Reclaim Your Barefoot-Ness with a Baby Foot Treatment

When the joke you throw lands too well, cracking even your feet, it’s time for a Baby Foot sole re-smoothening. Glide into the new 2025! Slide into 365 new opportunities to show off your silky toes and arches! Stay always brave and sometimes rough and tough, but the right way. 

Dry skin cannot interfere with your steps toward progress if it flakes off. As much love as you have for it, it’s time has passed. The Baby Foot booties make the exfoliation process easy, allowing everything that should peel but can’t let go to detach gently. Talking about beauty-focused things to do after Christmas!

4. Donate the Used, Sell the Clutter

‘Tis time to share the fuzzy, thready kindness with folks! If your wardrobe is about to open on its own, you have a clutter issue to fix! And this can be a fantastic chance to give back this Xmas. Clothes warm up the body, but donating them bundles up the heart.

But it’s not only garments you can gift where needed. Items like furniture, utensils, and everything that is of use are worth bringing to a charity organization. Alternatively, you can sell what you no longer need and stretch your balance for the upcoming festive events.

5. Shop for What Is Missing Under the Xmas Tree

In a split second, the paper clumps reveal what’s hidden in the perfectly wrapped-up boxes underneath the Christmas tree. It’s the magic of the holiday —  some of the presents you LOVE love, and some you learn to love quickly. But you can always get something more because no one reads your festive mind quite like you.

And you’d be right to hit the nearby mall or cluster of stores and bring home what should be there. Post-holiday (huge) sales aren’t a mystery to unwrap but a well-known santastic fact! So, treat yourself like only you can for 10, 30, or 50% off.

6. Nerd Up’ and Pamper Your Lobes With New Topics

Instead of doing, you could be thinking. In a world where the collective thought stretches from inventing shoe umbrellas to proving string theory, there has to be a topic that will spark your interest. But of course, you need a good book that covers it well and a bit of a researcher’s spirit to find it.

If you aren’t much into the black-and-white, page-y things to do after Christmas, look up cool podcasts, YouTube channels, and the like. The struggle isn’t real as long as the content is there and is super consumable. So think freely and mightily; think big in your cozy velvet PJs, like the post-Christmas Descartes that you are!

7. Commit to a New Habit or Hobby

You are discovering a new passion you’d like to dedicate to while rolling into the post-Noel euphoria. Knitting, beading, taking early hikes — everything can be your new, cherished hobby! And it might as well become a fresh, solid source of income if you can stick to it for a while.

So, peep into your soul and ask yourself what you’re good at. Or, better yet, try an activity that makes you feel like the guys from Dumb and Dumber and challenge yourself. In any case, you’ll meet January 1 being better-rounded, with the will to let something interesting sprout into your life.

8. Goggle at Le Art, Culture, and Boney in a Museum

Why is it that you can’t hear a pterodactyl while using the bathroom? The P is silent! That’s what the silliest of dinosaur jokes will have you believe. But the truth might be much different, and truths like these are best debated under the remarkable fossils of creatures time would’ve sealed away from us if it wasn’t for museums.

If you’re intrigued by the secrets of our planet, civilization, and the universe, visit a cultural center. We can be too attached to the digital realm, and often, our obligations leave no space for more than the mundane. But a day spent in a museum turns us to ourselves for a soulful existential exploration.

9. Bundle Up a First Aid Kit

Chatting about the ouchies might not be one of your favorite things to do after Christmas, but they’re part of life. And holiday pastimes come with a less-than-zero percent of an ouchie. You probably won’t cut your finger with a book page while reading, but that thing is SHEE-ARP; that emu couldn’t possibly peck you, but it might.

And even if what is unlikely doesn’t happen, something else might, and you’ll be ouch-ing. To avoid such an inconvenience, re-supply your existing first aid kit or make a new one. The sooner you stitch it up or band-aid it, the better!

10. Hold Your Cash’s Horses With a Budget Plan

Money should be managed and cultivated. It partially defines your lifestyle, which makes financial illiteracy and unplanned spending a real threat. That said, if you’d like to escape some financial traps and begin the new year as a savvy earner and spender, create a budgeting strategy.

Outlining your future costs and wishes is excellent for understanding your priorities and what you can afford to do. It also lets you save more and make better everyday choices, like shopping for seasonal fruits only. It helps you align your goals with your real (or achievable) financial situation and be more financially mindful.

11. Sleigh Down the Cinema Aisle on Your Sack of Popcorn

Turn off the TV. It’s there every day, playing with your home’s acoustics, flashing images and subtitles for hours. You like the device, but the experience it offers is nothing but ordinary. And you came here looking for an out-of-the-box activity. So, why not hit the cinema?

It’s big, it’s spacious — perfect to give your movie habits a new dimension. Plus, the popcorn almost always tastes delicious, and the surroundings are practically distraction-free unless those next to you like to talk over the film to the point where they dub it. But, as you know, that’s usually not the case, so why not go?

12. Reserve a Table at Your Favorite Restaurant or High-Tea

Swirling lines of tomato sauce and a bay leaf to complete the plate decor — this might look like your everyday meal mess, but in a fine diner, it’s the royal treatment. Why not visit one before New Year’s? Take your closest ones with you, and get ready for a mouth-watering dish choice.

On the other hand, if you equate the Xmas spirit with steaming tea, check out a local high tea place. There are many things to do after Christmas, but not all will tantalize your craving taste buds in the late afternoon! And there will also be plenty of flavourful munchies to bite on.

13. Introduce Your Fingers to the Nitty-Gritty of Scrapbooking

Spend the last days of December at home, fingers on the table, eyes on cute scrapbooking materials. Your dearest memories have colors to paint your love with joy. They have different forms and shape many of your decisions and even yourself. Scrapbooks help you experience them for what they are — more than an aisle in your thought process.

Celebrate your core happenings with sticky notes, colored paper, glitter, and more! Show their vibrancy and frame them neatly for years and generations to come! Bring to life what matters the most, and let it inspire you to create more glorious events!

14. Thanos the Clutter in Your Life

Your trash bin is full. They say the rainbow’s end is buried under your unfolded clothes pile. And boxes containing all that’s ancient about your life are overtaking the space, hiding the beauty of your present. It sounds like you must start decluttering ASAP.

Sure, it’s never the right time to perform such an exorcism. But, you can do one thing at a time, folding a shirt a day. It might be tedious to do, but you’ll feel refreshed afterward. Clutter is distracting and annoying, so taking care of it allows you to function better.

15. Dot Down Your New Year’s Resolutions… or Uncrumple Last Year’s List

When thinking of things to do after Christmas, it does wonders to get a grip on your plans for the distant future. Usually, folks create New Year’s resolutions for this purpose. Making an oath about introducing positive change into your life in cursive is one of the best things to do after Christmas.

So, what are your newest dreams, and how can you get closer to them? Or do you have any older dreams waiting to bloom into reality? Listing them on paper can help you understand what it takes to make them come true in the year to come.

Money Chri — Pardon Us, Merry Christmas!

So much to do after Xmas, and it’s all fun and exciting. But what road do you take to increase your pocket wealth? The one that takes you to Pawns.app might be one worth exploring!
With our app, you get different ways of stacking it up, including paid surveys, internet sharing, and an awesome referral program. Since making extra cash is an excellent post-Christmas activity, you could benefit from the opportunities available to all our users worldwide. Check it out, and earn some before the New Year vibe takes over!

Jordana Bozhinova
Jordana Bozhinova

Copywriter, Pawns.app

Once an eighth-grade chemistry whiz, Jordana is now a BA in Psychology, hoping to one day tread through the fine weave of the psyche professionally. Chemistry still excites her, but not more than physics or music. A fan of creativity and innovation, Jordana has a passion for helping students find earning opportunities, budgeting insights, and studying tips. Personal growth and authenticity are always on her to-do list, and she'd like to see the world's pendulum swing in that direction, too.

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