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Historically, owning a business was only possible for a few. As people started to become more informed, and have more opportunities and access to knowledge, the need for flexibility, individualism, and financial independence is growing. 

Today, everyone’s trying to create something, flooding social media with ridiculous success stories that can overwhelm anyone, especially when there’s no real business experience. Well, we’re here to tell you that anyone can start a business, online or offline, with the right mindset.

What Are the Challenges of Starting a Business with No Money?

Building a business, without money or prior experience, does come with its own set of challenges. The key thing when starting any new activity is to first do your research, and identify the potential hiccups you might encounter along the way. Here are some of the most common challenges:

  • No starting funds

This is a widely common circumstance that discourages people from starting their side hustles.

  • Resource limitations

Having no initial investment also means limited or no resources for inventory, work tools, workstations, software, etc.

  • Marketing limitations

Marketing is an important cornerstone of any business today. Companies set aside considerable budgets for paid ads, PR, partnerships, events, and the list goes on.

  • Lack of time

Many entrepreneurs who want to start a business with no money are also juggling a full-time job, family, and other commitments.

The Importance of Having the Right Mindset 

To start a business without money, you’ll need to be determined, level-headed, and creative. Yes, it’s incredibly cliche, but it’s true. Perhaps your 9-5 is your main reason for wanting to start your own business, but how about leveraging the skills you’ve developed? 

Using their skills and expertise, many entrepreneurs start successful businesses. Budgeting, problem-solving, management, and even networking are all important skills you can use! You might dislike these activities in your day-to-day job, but applying them to your business can help you thrive.

Online Business Strategies for Starting Without Money

The global online business market is booming. Whether you attribute this to the growing accessibility of digital tools, social media, or the increasing need to become independent, it’s estimated that the ecommerce market alone will reach $6,478bn by 2029. And you can be a part of this growth! 

Types of Online Businesses You Can Start Without Money

Freelance Business

You can offer freelancing or consulting services if you have a marketable skill like writing, graphic design, programming, website design, or marketing. Choose a niche, specify your services, and create a portfolio (Google Drive is enough) that showcases your skills. Then simply sign up with Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, or LinkedIn to reach clients without any startup costs – you can start earning money right away.

To put this into numbers, Upwork has reported that content writers make an average of $15-$40 an hour. If you work full-time 5 days a week, that’s $2,400 per month as with $15/h.  

Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate marketing can be your gateway into online money-making. There are various ways to become an affiliate marketer, and there is no one right way to do it. However, there are certain things you should keep in mind when starting: 

  • Choose a niche market you are interested in. 
  • Find programs that offer affiliate marketing opportunities. 
  • Research the different programs carefully before choosing one. 
  • Create a proactive plan for advertising your schedule and start promoting it as soon as possible. 
  • Be prepared to work hard and put in the effort required to succeed as an affiliate marketer.  

However, with effort and good planning, becoming an affiliate marketer with a company like can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to make a considerable amount of money online.

Content Creation

Whether you’re into blogging, YouTube channels, podcasts, or social media influencing, you can monetize your passions. This business model is a great solution for creative minds and those who want more freedom in their work, which is a fulfillment in itself. 

Depending on your progress and niche, companies may start reaching out to you with partnerships, but a good way to start monetizing your valuable content is through advertising, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.

Dropshipping and Print-on-Demand

Dropshipping and print-on-demand (PoD) are two popular online business (ecommerce) types that involve selling products online without managing the supply. Instead of you taking care of the inventory, a third party handles it and ships the products directly to your customers. 

All you really need to do is research the product you want to sell, create an online store using popular free tools, and select a reliable supplier. With POD, the process is pretty much the same, except you’re responsible for the fun part of creating the printing designs.  

Online Courses and eBooks

Some popular online courses teach people how to start a blog, build an e-commerce site, and create a social media presence. By taking these, individuals can learn everything they need to know about starting and running an online business.

If you’re interested in starting an online course, and selling digital products, it’s important to do your research. There are many scam websites out there that claim to offer high-quality education for a low price. Check the Better Business Bureau website or Google reviews to ensure the course you’re considering is legit.

Low-Cost Resources and Tools

Running an online business doesn’t require expensive software or tools. Many free or low-cost options can help you get started:

  • Website builders

Choose user-friendly platforms like Squarespace, Wix, Webflow, or even WordPress if you have more experience. 

  • Marketing tools

Mailchimp and HubSpot offer free email marketing services for small lists.

  • Design tools

Canva is the best tool with a free version which already offers everything and anything you’d need to get started.

  • Project management

Free tools like Trello and Asana are great, but you can just as easily get started with Excel or Google Sheets. 

  • Social media

You can choose any platform you want but try to lean towards the ones that align with your business goals.

Marketing Strategies for Online Businesses Without Money

Marketing can be a game-changer to any account, platform, product, company, or business. But where most fail is thinking that there’s a one-size-fits-all strategy. Here’s a list of actions you should keep in mind when starting:

  • Social media marketing

Content creation can be a time-consuming process, but if you stay consistent, you can get some amazing results way before investing in paid ads. 

  • Content marketing and SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be tricky, but essentially, it’s using the right keywords to attract the right people. There are loads of free keyword search tools like Semrush, Google Trends, or Exploding Topics.

  • Email marketing

You could offer free samples and resources or trials in exchange for email details. As for systemizing your lists, there’s always Excel, but you can also use a free tool like Mailchimp to send regular newsletters. 

Success Stories of Online Businesses Started with No Money

There are lots of successful online entrepreneur stories who started out with no funds, but grew into full-fledged businesses – you see it all the time on social media. One great example is the Smart Passive Income blog. 

When Pat Flynn started the blog back in 2009, his idea was to talk more about ways to make money online, and quickly, the blog grew. Today, SPI Media is a product of two passionate businesses that generate over seven figures in profit annually. Moreover, it’s a passion project that works towards educating and helping aspiring entrepreneurs. 

Offline Business Strategies for Starting Without Money

Building an offline business is completely different from an online one. You must consider that an offline business requires a physical location and tangible products or services. Moreover, it’s not just about “brick-and-mortar”, customer acquisition and communication are also different, favoring real-life interactions. However, despite the differences, there are ways to start an offline business with no money.

Types of Offline Businesses You Can Start Without Money

Service-Based Businesses

Similar to offering your unique skills online, you could do the same with other skills, like home cleaning, landscaping, pet sitting, tutoring, or handyman work. These businesses often require minimal upfront costs, and you can start by working within your local community.

Additionally, providing in-person services will get you clients faster than starting an online business which takes much longer to build and reach the right customers. To motivate you even further, according to Brookings research, 4 out of 5 Americans work in the service sector as it’s one of the most lucrative sectors today.

Freelancing and Gig Economy Jobs

The gig economy is growing rapidly, and that doesn’t just involve online services. The reason is simple, people want more control over their work and how it’s done. In fact, in 2022 McKinsey found that 36% of all Americans work independently. That’s over 58 million people in the USA.

How can you get started? Well, if your hobbies or 9-5 job involve working as a photographer, assistant, planner, manager, or even training? Print a few flyers that include all your basic info, and spread them around in local shops, restaurants, and areas. Another idea would be to use platforms like Task Rabbit or Rover to find local gigs.

Community-Based Businesses

The third type of offline business revolves around providing a certain service to your local community. This could be helping organize local events, farmer’s markets, youth or senior programs, establishing health clinics – even working with real estate companies to help people find homes.

While the rewards wouldn’t be immediate, continuous work, sponsorship, and partnership deals could lead to tangible and intangible rewards. Community-based businesses are all about people, so if you’re someone who loves to help people and get involved, this could be the low-cost business idea for you.

Strategies for Starting an Offline Business with No Money

  • Bartering and trade

Trade your skills for tangible rewards. For example, you could offer marketing services to a local printer in exchange for free promotional materials.

  • Partnering and networking

Partner with another business or individual who has resources that complement your skills. A classic example is when bakeries join hands with coffee shops.

  • Using free local resources

Local libraries often provide free internet access, meeting rooms, and even business-related seminars.

Offline Marketing on a Budget

  • Networking and word-of-mouth

Nothing beats good service. Do that, be seen, network with the right people in your niche, and the news about your business will spread quickly.

  • Flyers and local ads for free publicity

Use free tools to create flyers with the key information about your business, and distribute them locally for almost free publicity.

  • Free local workshops and events

Host free events like workshops or other activities and invite relevant people or companies.

Success Stories of Offline Businesses Started with No Money

Among the many successful entrepreneurs, let’s look at the famous Mark Cuban, the now billionaire, who started his first business with nothing. What drove him was simply his sudden love for technology.

While he jumped from one tech job to another, he gathered his experiences and started his first business, MicroSolutions, and sold it for $6 million in the ’90s. After that, he continued investing and creating, leading to the success he enjoys today.

Combining Online and Offline Strategies

Now that we’ve gone through the list of different online and offline strategies, what about combining them both? While online tools can help you promote your business to a broader audience, offline strategies allow you to build trust and relationships in your local community.

Tips for Maximizing the Benefits of Both

To fully take advantage of both approaches, you should look into ways of using online tools and combining them with offline efforts. Regardless of the business type you choose, online tools and platforms are essential for global reach.

At the same time, online strategies lack real-life connections and interactions, which is why it’s important to foster an offline presence as well.

Practical Examples of Combined Strategies

Let’s say you decide to become a freelance graphic designer. Even if you choose a primarily online activity, you could organize live portfolio reviews at local events, fairs, and festivals to both promote your business and find clients.

Another example could be health & fitness. While it’s an offline business, personal trainers and instructors could offer in-person classes while also running online webinars or selling instructional videos to a wider audience.

Actionable Steps to Start Your Business Without Money

To start a business, no matter if offline or online, with little or no money, it’s important to have a plan. Here’s a list of 4 key actions you should take to get you started.

  1. Conduct market research

If you already have a business idea, do your homework and research the market. Look into your potential competitors and especially, the audience. Free tools like Google Trends and social media insights can help you determine what customers are looking for.

  1. Create a simple business plan

Whether you have capital to invest or not, having a plan always helps to stay focused and goal-oriented. Outline your business goals, target market, pricing, and marketing strategies.

  1. Utilize free resources and networks

LinkedIn or even Reddit are great places to look for guidance, tips, and recommendations for free tools, guides, and courses. Additionally, look into available government programs, online communities, or small business support groups.

  1. Build a Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

Start by drafting a product with low start-up costs. It should be the basic version of your product or service to test the market. With it, you could test the market and get valuable feedback for improvement.

  1. Start small and scale gradually

If you want to start a business with no money, you should start slow and small. Take your time learning the ropes, test available options, and always plan. Build a solid foundation first, scale gradually, reinvest any profits back into the business, and scale gradually.

  1. Stay Positive and Motivated

Keep your chin up and stay positive despite how difficult things may seem. Persevere through tough times, and you’ll soon see your business take off.

Closing Thoughts

Although starting a business without money may seem difficult, with the right attitude and approach, it’s entirely possible. It doesn’t matter whether you go online, offline, or a combination of both, there are proven strategies that can help you reach your entrepreneurial dream.

You can overcome financial limitations and create a successful business from the ground up by leveraging your skills, creativity, and free resources.

What Is The Easiest Business to Start With No Money?

What is easy can be somewhat subjective as it changes from person to person, but blogging is often the most straightforward business to start from the comfort of your home with zero money down. It may not be an entirely new concept, but monetized blogging is a popular option for an essentially no-cost business. Other options could be: in-home child care, in-home dog care, pet services, and dog training.

Which Online Business Is Best for Beginners?

Aside from blogging, other good options for beginners include starting your clothing line, launching a dropshipping business, selling your art online, or becoming a web designer or developer.

An even easier option would be to offer online services like freelance writing, or digital products like software tutorials, local guides, etc.

Mark Orina
Mark Orina


Orina is an exceptional writer with a talent for crafting easy-to-understand content that resonates with our readers worldwide. When not at the keyboard, he finds inspiration cycling in nature, living by Einstein's wisdom: 'Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.'

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