Saving money for emergencies, retirement, or other reasons has become a must, especially in these uncertain times. One of the fastest ways to make more money is to find a side hustle to dedicate your time to, whether you’re employed or not.
A side hustle offers a more experimental approach to making money than a standard job and can be an exciting challenge. If you have a talent or a skill you can utilize, why not give it a shot? Even a small alternative source of income can add up over time and make a difference down the road. More importantly, if you find something you’re great at and enjoy doing, it could eventually become a full-time career!
Our Favorite Side Hustle Books to Read in 2025
Reading side hustle books offers a great benefit – you’re getting the information from people who have been on the starting line, just like you. They get your doubts and struggles, but more importantly, they’ve done what you’re trying to accomplish, so you can learn from their experience.
Knowledge from different sources (books, blogs, videos) can help you find the perfect idea and get started. Likewise, it can help you understand the challenges ahead and prepare to deal with them most efficiently. Finally, reading in general offers other benefits. It expands your vocabulary, keeps your mind active, and relieves stress! With that said, here are our five favorite side hustle books worthy of your time!
She Means Business (Carrie Green)
This one should be on the radar of anyone who’s creative, ambitious, and dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. She Means Business offers practical tips and tools to help you turn your ideas and passion into a thriving business with a happy customer base.
The book also explains why having the right mindset is essential for success. Also, Carrie provides guidance to help you deal with self-doubt and fear that might get in your way of success.
The Ultimate Side Hustle Book (Elana Varon)
If you’re thinking about making some extra money while keeping your regular job, The Ultimate Side Hustle Book is for you. Elana offers great ways to turn your time, skills, space, and other resources into extra cash!
The book contains 450 interesting and resourceful side hustle ideas, so we bet you’ll find at least one that works perfectly for you. Moreover, the book offers valuable information on pay rates, necessary experience for each job, and tips on finding clients!
Women With Money (Jean Chatzky)
Women With Money is a result of Jean Chatzky’s conversation with female entrepreneurs on her podcast, HerMoney Happy Hour. It covers women’s relationships with wealth and provides a path to a joyful, stress-free, and purpose-filled life.
It’s a great read with valuable insights on taking control of your finances and creating a life you want. Women With Money will teach you how to get paid what you deserve, whether you’re looking to make money as an entrepreneur or an employee.
Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days (Chris Guillebeau)
If you’re just starting your journey, this is one of the best side hustle books you can get. Chris provides a step-by-step plan that will teach you to come up with ideas based on your experience and interests. On top of that, the book offers instructions for building a solid brand and growing your side business.
The book includes stories from hundreds of entrepreneurs. Most importantly, they all built successful businesses around their day job, so you can learn from their experience. So, this one is worth a read if you’re looking to start a side hustle without quitting your 9-to-5 job.
Don’t Keep Your Day Job (Cathy Heller)
The title might sound a bit too suggestive. However, you know what they say – never judge a book by its cover! Don’t Keep Your Day Job offers an inspiring thrill ride focused on our pursuit of happiness and turning a passion into income.
The book aims to help you examine your life, build your side hustle, find your tribe, and create a life you love. Cathy Heller shares her wisdom, fun anecdotes, and many practical suggestions from guests on her podcast of the same name. These include Jenna Fischer, Jen Sincero, Gretchen Rubin, and many more.
Ready for Takeoff?
Starting a side hustle is a great way to make extra money, and we believe there’s no better way to get started than reading a few good side hustle books. Learning from the experiences of others can work wonders, especially if they have a fantastic track record of turning ideas into successful businesses!
Many of them agree it’s best to start small. As you’re making your baby steps to a killer side hustle, don’t forget to install Pawns! Let your internet connection work for you while you’re reading, and make it your first successful side hustle!