How to Make Money Editing Videos

How to Make Money Editing Videos
Jordana Bozhinova
Jordana Bozhinova

Last updated - March 16, 2023

One app - many ways to earn


The cost of living is soaring. So, how do you plan to keep yourself afloat? Here is an idea: you need a side hustle to earn a few extra bucks. While there are many options, video editing may be just the thing that will ensure your bank balance grows steadily and swiftly. In this digital era, videos are vital in keeping the audience engaged. Influencers, entrepreneurs, and celebrities reap the benefits when the masses start consuming their video content and engaging with it. So, are you ready to be a part of this group? Without further ado, let us look at the ABCs of video editing.

What Is Video Editing?

Video editing is all about rearranging and piecing together multiple audio and visual clips to create a beautiful video that aesthetically pleases your senses and that of your audience. 

The video editing process includes various aspects that seek to improve the quality of the original raw material, such as removing unwanted snippets. Video editors sometimes love to use various filters, graphics, and music to jazz up the piece.

Furthermore, a compelling video requires color correction and enhancements to upgrade the image quality. Incorporating transitions guides the audience. When it moves from scene to scene smoothly, the appeal of the video increases tenfold. When it comes to video editing, there is room for exploring more, reimagining sequences, and being creative. You can play with the style and mood of your videos to get the target audience hooked. 

What Skills Do Video Editors Need?

Looking for a way to make your videos perfect but don’t know how? You need to hone the skills mentioned below to structure your shots efficiently for a cohesive outcome: 

  • Special Attention to Details: Editing demands precision and attention to detail so that you can assess your work and create impeccable content.
  • Ability to Adapt: You need to be flexible and prepare yourself for last-minute pop-ups (changes that are not pre-planned).
  • Keeping Yourself Motivated: You might need to put in long hours to get the desired result. Motivate yourself if your goal is fixed and the zeal to succeed is your driving force. 
  • Organizational Skill: Arranging the video snippets into a comprehensive piece can be daunting without proper organizational skills. 
  • Problem-Solving and Communication Skills: You need to keep calm and be ready to think out of the box because video editing is art, and creativity is the soul of any piece of art. Communicating your concerns and suggestions helps build trust and keeps things running smoothly. 
  • Knowledge of Editing Software: Keep yourself abreast of all the latest video editing software programs that enter the market. Learn and stay updated.  

Ways to Make Money Editing Videos

Video editing is in demand right now, and one can make good money from it. The rise of social media influencers and the trend of sharing videos on various platforms has boosted the growth. There are quite a few ways to make money by editing videos. For example, starting a YouTube channel is a good idea. It takes some time to establish yourself on YouTube. However, regular video uploads can help you make good money. Once you have a channel with good followership, you can use it for affiliate marketing to promote websites like and earn additional money.

Freelance video editing is a lucrative job right now. Many social media influencers are always looking for freelancers to edit their videos, and they can pay handsomely for the edits. Editing videos for non-profit organizations can also help you earn money. These organizations use videos to spread awareness and for social work. The payment may be less, but adding such projects for non-profit organizations to your portfolio can help you get big projects.

Millions of weddings happen each year. Both couples and family members hire professionals to cover the event. As such, you can make money by editing wedding videos. Advertising is a money-minting machine. Companies spend billions of dollars on advertising products and services. A big chunk of this money goes into video advertisements. Companies often hire professional video editors for the job of editing advertising videos. You can make money by editing videos for such projects.

As a video editor, you can create your own videos and sell them as stock footage with specific licensing options. Content creators use stock footage for making many of their videos. Some of these creators could be social media influencers to multinational corporations, which could mean outstanding payments down the line. 

Is Video Editing Hard to Learn?

Learning to edit videos might seem a little daunting for newbies because there’s usually a lot to process when you enter the field, but believe it or not, once you get the basics right and get used to it, the difficulty slowly evaporates. We have all heard the proverb: “Practice makes a man perfect,” so you must practice hard to become a professional video editor. Of course, proper guidance is also a must when you are getting started. Exerting yourself a little bit more every day will help you grasp the more advanced techniques faster, helping you become better than the rest. 

Therefore, it all boils down to having the following qualities down to a tee: 

  • The Right Mentality: You have to start with baby steps before you can begin to attain new heights. You cannot learn everything on day one. 
  • Perseverance: Keep practicing every day, no matter what! Quite possibly the most important quality as it will help you succeed at every challenge you face. 
  • The Thirst to Learn More: The amount of video editing software available in the market is staggering. For example, you have Adobe Premiere Pro, Vegas Pro, Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and more. You must be patient enough to learn new techniques when working with these highly advanced video editing tools.

Get, Set, Go!

The life of a professional video editor is not always easy; things will be challenging. The video editing process might be long-drawn, and you might sometimes lose your patience, but never give up! Step aside, breathe, clear your mind, take a break, and return to work. However, let us tell you a secret: there is always a chance for smart people to earn handsomely, and guess what? You need not put in much effort. 

Are you still wondering about alternative ways to make money? Install and share your unused bandwidth with others to ensure a steady monthly income. Video editing plus can help open up new earning avenues. Do not wait; start today!


How Much Money Can You Make Editing Videos?

As a video editor, you can make excellent money. The amount that you can earn is project specific. Your skill as a video editor also affects your earnings. The client’s budget also decides your income.

Can I Make Money on YouTube by Editing Videos?

YouTube is a social media platform that is one of the pioneers in offering content creators a way of making money. You can work for YouTubers and edit their videos to make money. Alternatively, you can run your channel and earn money through YouTube’s monetization program. You can also earn an income from your channel through sponsorships, cross-promotion, and affiliate marketing.

Jordana Bozhinova
Jordana Bozhinova


Once an eighth-grade chemistry whiz, Jordana is now a BA in Psychology, hoping to one day tread through the fine weave of the psyche professionally. Chemistry still excites her, but not more than physics or music. Personal growth and authenticity are always on her to-do list, and she'd like to see the world's pendulum swing in that direction, too. A fan of creativity and innovation, Jordana enjoys learning, understanding, and chic clothes. Who says self-exploration can't be fabulous?

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