Jordana Bozhinova Copywriter

Jordana Bozhinova

Once an eighth-grade chemistry whiz, Jordana is now a BA in Psychology, hoping to one day tread through the fine weave of the psyche professionally. Chemistry still excites her, but not more than physics or music. Personal growth and authenticity are always on her to-do list, and she'd like to see the world's pendulum swing in that direction, too. A fan of creativity and innovation, Jordana enjoys learning, understanding, and chic clothes. Who says self-exploration can't be fabulous?

431 articles published by this author

  • Save Money on Heating Bill

    Save Money on Heating Bill

    Winter is approaching, and with the chilling cold, it would be nice to curl up on the couch with a blanket and stay warm. But unfortunately, your heating bill is likely costing you more than what you can afford. Plus, working at home is now a mainstream thing. People are spending way more time in […] Read more

  • How to Start a Business in Arizona With No Money

    How to Start a Business in Arizona With No Money

    Are you thinking of starting a business in Arizona? Well, you are not alone. Many people in Arizona wish to launch their businesses but lack the financial resources to kick-start their journey. The notion of embarking on a business venture without a single dollar may seem like just a dream. But it’s possible to start […] Read more

  • Save Money With Solar Panels

    Save Money With Solar Panels

    Over the last few years, solar energy has become the new gold for energy-conscious consumers. The number of households depending on solar technology continues to grow yearly, and major contributing factors include efficiency and costs. estimates that households relying on solar panels will grow from 25 million to more than 100 million users by […] Read more

  • How to Dropship on Amazon Without Money?

    How to Dropship on Amazon Without Money?

    The main goal of any supply chain is to move a product from its point of origin to the end user. Advancements in technology and security have increased people’s desire to shop online. This upsurge has resulted in increased revenue for eCommerce companies such as Amazon. It has also resulted in an opportunity for people […] Read more

  • Places to Visit in Delhi Without Money

    Places to Visit in Delhi Without Money

    Doing anything without money is a drag, but never say never! Thankfully, India, compared to other countries, is a very low-cost travel experience. And if you need some pocket money, earn it on by completing surveys and sharing your internet! Introduction About Delhi Delhi is a vibrant and bustling city that offers tourists a […] Read more

  • How to Save Money When Shopping Online?

    How to Save Money When Shopping Online?

    Getting good deals on services and products online is easier than offline, but you’ve to plan and compare prices from several stores. Knowing the name of the product or service you want to buy could help the search. Buyers can find better deals on platforms that offer state sales, garage sales, moving sales, and specialty […] Read more

  • How to Move to Japan With No Money

    How to Move to Japan With No Money

    Moving to Japan can be an exciting and life-changing experience. This unique country offers a rich cultural experience, technological advancements, and a high standard of living.  Japan is renowned for its cultural heritage, and there are countless opportunities to immerse oneself in traditional Japanese customs. From tea ceremonies to Kabuki theater and the annual cherry […] Read more

  • How to Earn Money Without Investment in Pakistan

    How to Earn Money Without Investment in Pakistan

    Earning money without investing anything is a big challenge in Pakistan and many other countries. With limited job opportunities and an ever-growing cost of living, surviving in this stagnant economy has become much tougher. As a result, people are actively seeking ways to make ends meet. Despite the common belief that you need money to […] Read more

  • How to Save Money From Your Salary

    How to Save Money From Your Salary

    It’s almost payday. You have toiled for the past fortnight or month and can’t wait for your salary. But the thought of pending bills, servicing a loan, and paying rent completely drains the life out of you. Main Tips on Saving Money From Your Salary Can you save part of your salary with all these […] Read more

  • How to Move to England With No Money

    How to Move to England With No Money

    Are you dreaming of moving to England but don’t have much money? Don’t worry. It’s still possible to make your vision a reality. England is a fascinating country with a rich cultural heritage, a thriving economy, and a superior standard of living. It boasts several of the globe’s most recognizable landmarks, such as Buckingham Palace, […] Read more


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