Jordana Bozhinova Copywriter

Jordana Bozhinova

Once an eighth-grade chemistry whiz, Jordana is now a BA in Psychology, hoping to one day tread through the fine weave of the psyche professionally. Chemistry still excites her, but not more than physics or music. Personal growth and authenticity are always on her to-do list, and she'd like to see the world's pendulum swing in that direction, too. A fan of creativity and innovation, Jordana enjoys learning, understanding, and chic clothes. Who says self-exploration can't be fabulous?

431 articles published by this author

  • How to Make Money Selling Coupons Online?

    How to Make Money Selling Coupons Online?

    We all love a great deal, and using coupons is the ultimate money-saving strategy. After all, who doesn’t want to keep more cash in their pockets? By tapping into the world of coupon sales, you can turn a profit while helping others save a few bucks. The Art of Clipping: Making Money From Coupons Of […] Read more

  • How to Open a Thrift Store With No Money?

    How to Open a Thrift Store With No Money?

    Opening a thrift store can be a fulfilling and profitable venture for individuals who have a passion for frugal shopping and the desire to make a positive impact on their community. Thrift stores offer a unique shopping experience, providing affordable secondhand items to customers while promoting sustainability and reducing waste. Interesting in building your own […] Read more

  • How to Start a Consignment Shop With No Money?

    How to Start a Consignment Shop With No Money?

    Want to start a consignment business but feel stuck since you don’t have money? If that’s the case, you have landed on the right article. Consignment shops offer a golden opportunity for aspiring business owners to dive into the retail industry with minimal financial resources. These unique places, similar to second-hand stores, allow individuals to […] Read more

  • How to Open a Barber Shop With No Money?

    How to Open a Barber Shop With No Money?

    Have you ever dreamed of starting your barber shop? If so, you’re not alone. For centuries, barbering has been an essential trade enjoyed by countless professionals. But what if you have limited funds with which to start your venture? The Art of Haircutting: Introduction to Barber Shops Rest assured – you certainly shouldn’t feel discouraged […] Read more

  • How to Start a Nursing Agency With No Money?

    How to Start a Nursing Agency With No Money?

    A nursing agency is a business that supplies healthcare facilities such as nursing homes and people who need care at home with qualified nursing professionals. It acts as an intermediary that provides permanent or temporary nursing staff to places where they are needed. There is always a need for nursing staff across the country, and […] Read more

  • How to Be Romantic With Your Girlfriend Without Money

    How to Be Romantic With Your Girlfriend Without Money

    Romance can be an incredibly fulfilling and meaningful aspect of life. We often associate it with love, affection, intimacy, and connection. Without a doubt, it brings much joy, excitement, and happiness to our lives. Despite its importance, one can sometimes overlook romance or undervalue it in our busy and fast-paced world. Many prioritize careers, personal […] Read more

  • How to Invest Money Without Loss?

    How to Invest Money Without Loss?

    The world economy is in recovery mode after the COVID-19 pandemic and the shock it caused. The Federal Reserve and inflation rates are still high. In this high-risk financial situation, it can be tricky for investors to preserve their portfolios. However, investing wisely in low-risk assets can help you leverage your investment portfolio and stay […] Read more

  • How to Start a Staffing Agency With No Money?

    How to Start a Staffing Agency With No Money?

    Starting a business can be costly, but many startups have been able to launch with minimal resources. This holds true in the staffing field, too. However, costs such as setting up the company and advertising are essential in creating a successful staffing agency. So, what does it take to get started without a big budget? […] Read more

  • How to Start a Construction Company With No Money

    How to Start a Construction Company With No Money

    The construction industry is one of the booming sectors of the economy. Look around – there’s always construction work going on, whether a new apartment in your neighborhood, highway construction, a bridge, or renovation work. Additionally, companies never run short of workers, as a skilled and ready labor force is always waiting to be hired. […] Read more

  • How to Save Money During a Recession

    How to Save Money During a Recession

    During challenging economic times, individuals and families may struggle to make ends meet due to job losses or reductions in income. Businesses may struggle to stay afloat as consumer spending declines and demand for their products or services decreases. Due to declining tax revenues, governments may struggle to balance their budgets and provide essential services. […] Read more


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